Today’s question is…
Are there any costumes you started but never finished?
Oh yes. I actually made a post about this a while back on my blog, so I’ll just expound on that first list.
Now, there’s plenty of costumes I planned on making and never did – too many to list (but I’ll touch on a few at the end) – for now I’ll try to stick to costumes I actually bought items for and then never did. (I’ll include pics if I still have one in my inspiration folder on flickr…)
1. movie version Juri from Utena
This was one of the earliest! I had planned on doing this for MTAC 2001. I bought the wig, but then got an email back from the website that that wig was currently out stock. I canceled the order and never did the costume.
2. Nina Williams from Tekken
I bought pants for this! They then became my black Buffy pants, then my Ruby Heart pants after I never got to the rest of the costume.
3. Yuna from Final Fantasy X
This one is funny. I’d helped Ash put together her Yuna costume in 2002, then thought I might make one for myself, too. I picked up this skirt on ebay, I think it was, to use as a base for her skirt. It wasn’t dark enough, so I threw it in a vat of dark blue dye. I checked it a little while later and it had darkened a little, but not much. I added some more dye and decided to leave it overnight just to see what happened. The next day there wasn’t much change, so again, I left it. At that point it became more of an experiment than a legitimate costume piece. I left it for a couple more days. Then I left it for a week. Then I forgot.
Months later my mom asks me what this bin underneath all this stuff in the garage is. It had gotten stuff piled on top. That skirt and the dye were still in there. I took it into the yard and dumped it, and it stunk. I just threw the skirt away at that point. And it hadn’t even gotten any darker after all that time, LOL.
4. Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean
I know, right? I bought a wig for it. The wig ended up being used as a guinea pig for experimenting with different wig styling techniques. But funny thing was, 10 years later, it became the wig for my husband’s Duck Dynasty costume!
5. Aragorn from Lord of the Rings
LMAO. I can’t believe I was going to try this; it just doesn’t work. I bought a jacket to mod – which eventually became my Integra Hellsing jacket.
6. Arwen’s Hope Dress from Lord of the Rings

My mom gave me some purple velvet for Christmas one year. I thought about making Arwen’s Hope dress with it for a long time… researched the sleeve fabric… then decided to just make a cape instead.
7. PGSM Sailor Jupiter (Live Action Sailor Moon)
I bought accessories to start modding – but had trouble finding fabric I liked for the skirt/collar. After searching for weeks I realized there were only 2 weeks til A-Kon (the con I had planned on making it for), so I dropped it.
8. Uo-chan from Fruits Basket
I pretty much had everything I needed for this – I was going to use my Tohru top, I had a skirt – I needed a wig and wanted to make her jacket. Never got to it. Eventually sold Tohru along with the extra longer skirt I’d held onto for Uo-chan.
9. 80s Rogue from X-Men

I had a black suit. I had boots and a wig I could use. I just needed to make a top, belts and gloves. Just never got to it.
(Kinda glad I didn’t, I don’t think it’d be that flattering on me – not that I ever let that stop me before, but whatev.)
10. Bespin Leia from Star Wars

I feel kinda bad putting this one on here… but here it is. I still do have plans on finishing it. But I started putting together Bespin Leia back in 2006. Every once in a while I pull it out, put it on my dressform and look at it… then put it back in a box once I have something more urgent to work on.
11. Team Zissou uniform from the Life Aquatic

I bought shoes. I bought a hat. I bought 5 yds of blue cotton and pinned my pattern pieces to them. Then I folded up the cotton and stuck it in a box. Just last year I finally took those pattern pieces off and used the blue cotton for the lining of my Trillian suit. š I still want to do the costume…
12. Polychrome from Road to Oz

In my fabric bins I still have multiple pieces of hemmed chiffon in blues, yellows, pinks, greens…. these were all the pieces to Polychrome. I had the wig, I had the hat, I had a base dress I’d made to attach all the pieces. I needed more chiffon though, and at that point we were trying to get Belle, Stitch, Snow White and Cinderella done for Dragoncon 2005. I put Poly on the backburner so the Disney stuff could get done, and never picked it up again.
13. Blue Jumpsuit Leia from the Star Wars Doll Line

Like my orange poncho Leia costume based on outfits made for the Leia doll in the 70s, I had wanted to do a second one – the blue jumpsuit with the goggles. I bought a blue jumpsuit on ebay to mod, but never got around to doing anything else with it.
14. Boba Fett from Star Wars
At one time I really wanted to do this. I did a ton of research. I bought a really nice jumpsuit and cape. But that’s as far as it got. I sold the jumpsuit a couple of years ago, though I still have the cape…
15. Lois Lane from Superman Returns

I honestly didn’t care for the movie nor the portrayal of Lois – but I loved the grey/peach art deco style dress she wore in it. I have had pieces of this floating around for YEARS. I even almost finished it a couple of years ago but set it aside again. I think part of my stumbling block with it is that I really don’t like the main fabric I have for it. That, and who would recognize it as a costume?
Off the top of my head, that’s all I can think of – at least, that I can think that I’m not still thinking of doing pretty soon.
And now, here’s a few costumes that, at one time I publicly said I was going to do, but never did:
1. Aluminum Siren from Sailor Moon
2. Princess Peach from Mario
3. Princess Zelda from Legend of Zelda
4. Edea from FF8
5. Martina from Slayers
6. Rikku from FFX
7. Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop – my mom said no to this one!
8. Xianhua from Soul Caliber
9. The Bride from Kill Bill
10. Stephanie Brown Batgirl